Aug 26, 2023
What did we forget to talk about in the book "Edge of Sleep"? Honestly, we're not even sure. It was a tough week for Stephen and Mark. Shenanigans take place in this episode, and be sure to listen all the way to the end for the podcast version of a bonus scene.
Aug 19, 2023
Have you ever had that moment where you just doze off for just a moment? Just for a second, but in that second it felt like you were gone for an hour? What about when you feel like you've just closed your eyes, but suddenly hours have passed by? Now, how would that make you feel if you also knew that sleep, possibly...
Aug 12, 2023
There's a reason why Cormac McCarthy won the Pulitzer Prize. In The Road, his mastery of literature is seen in the way he uses setting and description in contrast to sparce dialog. We forgot to talk about it. As a change of pace, we're trying a different beverage this time around. Maytag Mead.
Aug 6, 2023
Tonight's episode is all about excellence. Excellence in literature as Stephen and Mark walk down The Road with the legendary Cormac McCarthy and pairing it with the fruit of two legendary craftsmen's labor, Legent. Come and join us on this fantastically bleak and flavorful journey into the future.